I'm back! After a week without a computer you would not believe how many new posts I had waiting for me .... 128 to be exact. And who knew PB was such a hot topic? Thanks Marilyn for defending my honor. The 1/2 was great and I'll post about it later, but today I have more important things occupying my time. Such as
Two years ago, I can't believe it! Brynnlee was born on a Saturday night. Let me rewind to the Sunday morning prior.
I was getting Kaden ready for church. We were sitting at the top of the stairs in our brand spankin new house. We were chatting about what all mommas and 23 month olds chat about... I can't remember. But I asked Kaden "When is your sister coming?"
"On Friday." was his very quick and confident reply.
"Oh really? That would be nice. Acutally that wouldn't be good at all." Then I proceeded to list off all the reason's: number one being I would miss her baby shower scheduled for Saturday, and two being that she would be 3 weeks early. I totally had my priorities straight.
Thursday I have an appt with Dr. T. He balks at my 5 lb weight gain in one week and tells me I need to come to the hospital to be monitored tomorrow since he's on call. Since I am naive, and assume this is the same monitoring that I did with Kaden 3 times a week for the last 4 weeks of his pregnancy I call my SIL Andrea to watch Kaden head to the hospital. I'll just be a few hours I tell her.
8 HOURS later and still strapped to the monitors in the triage room I call Andrea and tell her I dont' know what is going on. Meanwhile, Jeremy has called like 5 times asking me what I am doing and what he needs to do. I tell him all I know, which would be, nothing.
Finally, Dr. T comes in and tells me the news. I have severe pre-eclampsia, and they would normally send me home and put me on bedrest BUT blah blah blah .... they keep talking about my diagnosis and I don't pay attention until they say:
"you have such a high risk of seizures that we are just going to admit you and enduce you tomorrow."
So, I call Jeremy and ask him to take off work tomorrow, call Andrea to keep Kaden, and pack my bag and bring it to the hospital. Meanwhile, I call Paula and ask her to cancel tomorrow's shower.
Jeremy was supposed to do the Columbia River Swim the next day, which I told him he could still do but he waited in that hospital room all night and day with me, except for the few hours where he snuck across the street to Sausage Fest to grab some lunch. JEALOUS!
Finally, this adorable little girl graced our presence at 6:15 pm on Sept. 17th and even though she looked exactly like Kaden we would soon find out they aren't much alike in temperment. This fiesty little girl keeps us on our toes but brings so much laughter and excitement into our home that we wouldn't trade her for anything! We love your Brynners!!