Monday, March 10, 2008

Dis and Dat

Friday is Time Out For Women and I'm in need. I hope I don't puke anywhere embarrasing, and feel well enough to enjoy the fun weekend I'm anticipating.

I had a massage this weekend and it was great. She came to my house and Jeremy took the kids OUT. He returned with not one, but TWO Nestle Crunch Crisps. My hero.

Katie and I finished a baby shower cake this weekend and will start a wedding cake this week. Yay for fun things like cakes! I have pictures, but posting them would require effort and I have none of that today. Link to Kate's pics here.

I see the Dr. today and that is all I am posting about pregnancy because the rest will just be downer debbie talking.


Ms. Kristen said...

Who gave you a massage? I am need of one also!
You have a right to feel are pregnant! YOu are doing a great big service for a little body to grow! It doesn't feel good to want to puke all the time!

Jan said...

Same question as Kristen? I like the fact they would come to my house. The cake is really pretty. I love the flowers springing forth.
I hope you keep everything down and enjoy yourself out with the women. Good luck at the Drs.

Randi said...

You'll have so much fun this weekend! I really hope it's a huge booster for you.
Let us know about the Dr.

Sarah said...

The cake looks fantastic. You guys are talented. That massage sounds awesome and not even having to leave your house makes it about ten times better!

Alicia Leppert said...

What is Time Out For Women? I've heard it before, but never known what it was.
Seriously, don't ever feel bad for being "Debbie Downer." You have every reason to feel crappy and where better to vent than your blog? It's nice to know I'm not the only one who gets in slumps and worries about seeming too negative.

Vern said...

I just put together a 72-hour kit for my friend who is prego and throwing up literally about 18-25 times a day. Perhaps you could make yourself one to take with you "just in case". I filled a ziploc with gum, mints, listerine, certain candy she can hold down, and extra ziploc bags for those moments when she may not be near a bathroom. I hope you have a fun weekend and that it's not tainted with memories of all the different bathrooms' wallpaper!

Kris said...

A massage sounds awesome! Good luck at the Dr. I hope it's nothing but Great news. Glad your hubby brought you some Crunch Crisps! Sounds like he knows how to make you happy!

tharker said...

I like me a little Debbie Downer once in a while!

I hope you enjoy your Time Out. Just load up on those drugs, and all should be fine!

The cake is perfection!

goddessdivine said...

I hope your stomach gives you a break this weekend so that you may enjoy it!! Sounds like fun.

PRP said...

From one downer to another, you are welcome to vent anytime.

This cake is gorgeous! We need to start talking about Spencer's birthday....

Have fun this weekend. A little time away will be just what the doctor ordered!

Lee said...

Love the cake! Love massages. I had one last week it was divine.

polka dots said...

Enjoy your weekend away. You deserve it! And seriously. . .that cake is amazing.

Debie Spurgeon said...

Why does it have to be a Debbie Downer? Enjoy the weekend: that sounds great.

Melissa said...

The cake looks awesome! I hope you have a great time at Time Out for Women...

TheOneTrueSue said...

YUM, Nestle Crunch Crisps.

I have a good life said...

Time Out for Women! Hurray! I can't wait to go in a few weeks! :) Have a great time.