Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's ALWAYS about perspective, isn't it?

A few months back I got a frantic call 2 hours before church asking if I would fill in because they really, really, really needed someone to play for Sacrament meeting. Fortunately for me I don't play the organ so I had to decline. Unfortunately for me Kim was desperate enough that she said the piano would be fine.

This past Sunday the ward officially sustained me as a Ward Organist. Say what? {Yeah, I'm right there with ya.} So really, the only thing that has changed since that fateful Sunday last year is that now I suppose I can that say that I play the organ.

How many mistakes do you think they'll let me have before they officially rescind their offer? My guess is waaaay too many.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So Says I: Brynners Edition

As I'm loading the washer:
"Don't forget my nasty underwear!"

With big eyes as she hears daddy's voice in church:
"Whoa, that sounds just like our dad!"

Driving down the road:
"Mom when I get the age you are now I'm gonna drive you somewhere sooo special!"

As we are taking the sacrament:
"Why don't they ever put butter on this bread?"

As I am typing this blog:
"Are you trying to spell 'Daddy is a turd. I love Brynnlee?' on that blog?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Awkward Family Photo Submission

While perusing the old family photos yet again I ran across this perfect little gem.
I'm not sure what qualifies this picture more: Nathan looking sulky and downtrodden, three people holding cats, Adrienne and Melissa's extreme fascination with their cats, my totally weird face, Alicia's totally creepy smile, or my mom's glasses. Ummm.... I actually think that the combination of all of those amazing factors contribute to the total and complete awkwardness of this family photo.

Monday, January 18, 2010


1. I am still alive.
2. I never blog anymore.
3. I would rather play SuperMario on Wii than blog.
4. I've been released officially as the Primary Pianist for 3 weeks and have yet to make it to Relief Society.
5. I subbed in nursery and actually liked it.
6. I'm happy to sub in nursery for the next two months (till Ella is official) and then I'll have to get back to you after that.
7. I read this blog from my cousin and laughed so hard it made me want start blogging again.
8. I love the show Hoarders, and it makes me want to get rid of lots of stuff. Win-win.
9. I have no New Years Resolutions and I'm totally OK with it.

The End.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas Memories: The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of.

Christmas was so fun. It always is, but this year was different. This year we headed to my parents new house in Utah. And it was the first time all nine of my siblings and I have all been together for Christmas! (weird, I know but when kids join the family after others are married that's just the way it goes). Before this year the family hadn't been together since 1999, 10 years. It was time.

While there we toured the lights at Temple Square. Pretty much this
is one of those things that are non-negotiable. If we're in Utah- we go. And even though it doesn't change much I never get sick of seeing it. If you've never been- do yourself a favor and try to get there some time

The snow was falling gently and it was picture perfect. Until a snowball fight in the parking lot turned to tears. It's all fun and games until... well, you know.

I could go on and on about the details, but that's just not me and I really don't have 8 hours to spend on this post. I'm already about 2 hours past my allotted 20 minutes. So here it is in a few simple pictures.

Christmas Eve excitement.

Christmas morning joys.

Her favorite part of Christmas was that gumball machine!
I don't think she let go of it for the entire day.

Me and my little niece snuggling early, early Christmas morn.
Please disregard the sleepless look

Jeremy and Kaden built this snow fort. I don't know how much credit we should actually give Kaden although, the fort was his idea. It was awesome and huge.
We got 5 adults and two kids in there and still had room.


We sledded like crazy down this amazing hill/gorge thing across the street almost every day. The big mishap (amazingly enough there was only one) was a broken leg on a 4 year-old.

The verdict: Sledding is fun, a cast is not.

Now THAT is a sledding hill.
Good thing there was no motorized rope tow. That LONG walk up the hill was the only leverage we had to get the kids home.

Isn't this view to die for??
The mountains aren't too shabby either.

All in all we stayed up too late, ate too much, laughed too hard, played way too much RockBand and Rummikub and realized just how blessed we are to have been able to spend this Holiday with family.

Christmas 2009 is declared a success!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I want to post

and I actually have lots of things to post about. I'm just having a difficult time finding the spare 20 or so minutes it takes to do that. I'll keep trying.