Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Finding Joy in the Journey
Yes, we are fine. Yes, it sucks. Yes, life is still good.
Jeremy and I, unfortunately, aren't strangers to the jobless scene. I've heard this news before, 6 weeks away from having a baby and planning to quit my job. Plans changed, but it all worked out in the end. We've lived through it before and come out ok, so it makes it a little easier to believe that this go around will be no different. There is still always still fear and anxiety in the back of your mind, but Jeremy and I both know it will be ok.
Life does go on, and we can still find the good because it is always there. Sometimes you just have to look harder than others. While cleaning out the "home office" I ran across some old pictures. Pictures I had forgotten about, but that bring great memories.
Seriously, how cute is that?

Speaking of cute. Look how cute that Tiffany is pregnant. While telling Tiff about this picture she insisted that I post it so she could see it, overalls and all. This was taken at my "surprise" baby shower for Kaden. Surprise because Tiff accidentally spilled the news while she and Kristin were driving me to our "Girls Night Out" cover for the baby shower.
I think I can safely say we have all gotten better with age.

**There are plenty more pics with familiar faces. I may post those in the future. Will the suspense of finding out who was there keep you on the edge of your seat??
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Update from the babyfront
Happy news: My sister Adrienne is having a girl. She called me early Friday morning and I can't wait until August when this wee one makes her grand entrance!
*I would post a pic, but we still haven't uploaded all the info from our last computer breakdown. Just imagine a very adorable couple smiling at you.*
Monday, March 23, 2009
You win some, and you lose some
This weekend was fantastic. The company was great, the food was delicious, Wicked was amazing, and we shopped a lot. So I can't complain.
This weekend Jeremy took the kids to a Grand Opening of McDonald's. Kaden was fascinated with the "pocket rocket" they were giving away. They entered the drawing and amazingly enough we got a call today. We won! So now this is sitting in our living room.
{can't you just hear my enthusiasm?}

Unfortunately today we also lost.... our job. I know, how cruel is the timing? The upside {if you can call it that} is that the computer is now available for blogging. Yeah, that silver lining is pretty dim, but I've gotta have a "bright side" to look on.
This weekend Jeremy took the kids to a Grand Opening of McDonald's. Kaden was fascinated with the "pocket rocket" they were giving away. They entered the drawing and amazingly enough we got a call today. We won! So now this is sitting in our living room.
{can't you just hear my enthusiasm?}

Unfortunately today we also lost.... our job. I know, how cruel is the timing? The upside {if you can call it that} is that the computer is now available for blogging. Yeah, that silver lining is pretty dim, but I've gotta have a "bright side" to look on.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Catch 22
Remember a few weeks back when the power cord went out on our computer? Jeremy and I had an EXTENSIVE conversation about what we should do.
It was a dilemma because the power cord was like $120 and the computer is a 4 1/2 year old laptop, basically a dinosaur. We went back and forth about whether we should we fork the money out and hope the computer holds out a little bit longer or should we just put the money toward buying a new one?
Obviously, we chose to hold out and just buy the power cord hoping our luck with stick around and get us through a little longer. And of course, last Friday just as I hit publish on my comment on El Donaldo's Blog the screen goes all checkerboard on me. UGH! Friday night was spent trying everything to revive our electronic monstrosity but then realizing that our computer has seen the last of it's internet days. I know, how convenient.
So we have a new computer. It's a desk top. And it's on our desk. In our office. Where Jeremy sits at for about 13 hours a day either working or doing homework. So the posts will be a little more sporadic, but rest assured I'm still here. And I know where you can get a power cord, che-eap. Ya know, in case you are looking.
It was a dilemma because the power cord was like $120 and the computer is a 4 1/2 year old laptop, basically a dinosaur. We went back and forth about whether we should we fork the money out and hope the computer holds out a little bit longer or should we just put the money toward buying a new one?
Obviously, we chose to hold out and just buy the power cord hoping our luck with stick around and get us through a little longer. And of course, last Friday just as I hit publish on my comment on El Donaldo's Blog the screen goes all checkerboard on me. UGH! Friday night was spent trying everything to revive our electronic monstrosity but then realizing that our computer has seen the last of it's internet days. I know, how convenient.
So we have a new computer. It's a desk top. And it's on our desk. In our office. Where Jeremy sits at for about 13 hours a day either working or doing homework. So the posts will be a little more sporadic, but rest assured I'm still here. And I know where you can get a power cord, che-eap. Ya know, in case you are looking.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Oh great...
I've read the comments and started the book, totally disappointing. Maybe I'll just keep myself in the dark about the book. Ugh.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
I aint got no pride
I updated our family blog. Unfortunately, it contains video footage of me in a bathing suit. Scary, yes but it's mere seconds so don't be too put off. For me I'd rather have fun than be too concerned about my looks or lack thereof. So... check out our fun times here.
Oh, and 5 Schrute Bucks to the person who can pick out the change I FINALLY made over there.
Oh, and 5 Schrute Bucks to the person who can pick out the change I FINALLY made over there.

Silver Mountain Weekend
A few weekends back we headed up to Silver Mountain for a work retreat. It is a skiing resort, but they also have an indoor water park. We spent two days there just splashing around. If you are ever having the winter blues, this will cure them instantly. The best part is watching everyone come in wearing huge winter coats and boots and strip down to bathing suits. Not an everyday occurrence.

View from our balcony. They have fire pits going 24 hours a day.
Taking a minute away from cartoons to smile.
The outdoor fireplace.

This gondola goes straight from the hotel lobby up to the ski lodge on the other side of the mountain. How cool is that? I really wanted to take the kids up for a ride but when I found out it was $16 a person it suddenly got a lot less appealing.
Getting a breath of fresh air.
I think this kitchen was nicer than mine at home!
View from the living room to the front door.
Our bedroom. Ignore the bags everywhere.
View from the kitchen.
The kids loved the lazy river.
I liked it, too. Plop myself in a tube and lay Ella on my chest.
Good times.
I liked it, too. Plop myself in a tube and lay Ella on my chest.
Good times.
The big skylights and water tower.
View from our balcony. They have fire pits going 24 hours a day.
This gondola goes straight from the hotel lobby up to the ski lodge on the other side of the mountain. How cool is that? I really wanted to take the kids up for a ride but when I found out it was $16 a person it suddenly got a lot less appealing.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
What's in a Name?
A friend requested some name suggestions for the baby boy she is having. The only stipulation was it needed to be the name of a city since they already have a theme going with the rest of their children. So I googled some ways to pull up city names. And I ran across this site that listed weird city names. It wasn't helpful in my name endeavor but entertaining none the less.
Candle, AK
Dead Horse, AK
Krik, AK
Mary's Igloo, AK
Nightmute, AK
North Pole, AK
Monkey's Eyebrow,AZ
Why, AZ
Bonanza, CO
Hasty, CO
Hygiene, CO
Joes, CO
Last Chance, CO
Lay, CO
Paradox, CO
Yellow Jacket, CO
Bear, DE
Blades, DE
Briny Breezes, FL
Cadillac, FL
Celebration, FL
Christmas, FL
Day, FL
Elfers, FL
Frostproof, FL
Havana, FL
Lorida, Florida
Mayo, FL
Picnic, FL
Sopchoppy, FL
Spuds, FL
Two Egg, FL
Wacahoota, FL
Yeehaw Junction, FL
Alley, GA
Enigma, GA
Experiment, GA
Hephzibah, GA
Homerville, GA
Ideal, GA
Quitman, GA
Energy, IL
Normal, IL
Bacon, IN
Birds Eye, IN
Buddha, IN
French Lick, IN
Santa Claus, IN
Solitude, IN
Beebeetown, IA
Elvira, IA
Iowa Falls, IA
Sac City, IA
Tingley, IA
What Cheer, IA
Buttermilk, KS
Gas, KS
Moonlight, KS
Petrolia, KS
Protection, KS
Skiddy, KS
Smileyberg, KS
Speed, KS
Yoder, KS
Zook, KS
Beauty, KY
Burning Springs, KY
Cadillac, KY
Cranks, KY
Combs, KY
Cut Shin, KY
Decoy, KY
Duckers, KY
Dukedom, KY
Dwarf, KY
Hazard, KY
Hippo, KY
Jetson, KY
Krypton, KY
Lovely, KY
Moon, KY
Mummie, KY
Mud Lick, KY
Oddville, KY
Ono, KY
Ordinary, KY
Oscar, KY
Parrot, KY
Petroleum, KY
Pippa Passes, KY
Pyramid, KY
Quicksand, KY
Ready, KY
Redhouse, KY
Relief, KY
Ringos Mills, KY
Select, KY
Shoulderblade, KY
Slusher, KY
Sligo, KY
Top Most, KY
Turkey, KY
Viper, KY
Vortex, KY
Wax, KY
Yeadiss, KY
Zoe, KY
Angie, LA
Archie, LA
Cutoff, LA
Dry Prong, LA
Eros, LA
Fort Necessity, LA
Plain Dealing, LA
Slaughter, LA
Trout, LA
Vixen, LA
Waterproof, LA
Mount Desert Island, ME
Strong, ME
Boring, MD
California, MD
Crappo, MD
Hale, Maryland
Point of Rocks, MD
Scaggsville, MD
Cummaquid, MA
Christmas, MI
Climax, MI
Gay, MI
Hell, MI
Lake, MI
Nirvanna, MI
Paradise, MI
Saline, MI
Askew, MS
Bobo, MS
Hot Coffee, MS
Petal, MS
Competition, MO
Elmo, MO
Fairdealing, MO
Gipsy, MO
Novelty, MO
Pumpkin Center,
MO Skidmore, MO
Success, MO
Magnet, NE
Pahrump, Nevada
Piscataway, NJ
Flying H, NM
Truth Or Consequences, NM
Weed, NM
Busti, NY
Flushing, NY
Horseheads, NY
Cooleemee, NC
Kill Devil Hills, NC
Arthur, ND
Beach, ND
Can do, ND
Mott, ND
Hoople, ND
Horace, ND
Max, ND
Ray, ND
Napolean, ND
Zap, ND
Gaysport, OH
Businessburg, OH
Bowlegs, OK
Kremlin, OK
Loco, OK
Happyland, OK
Boring, OR
Half.com, OR
Beaverdale, PA
Bird-in-Hand, PA
Blue Ball, PA
Intercourse, PA
Jugtown, PA
Manda Gap, PA
Scalp Level, PA
Squirrel Hill, PA
Stalker, PA
Stiltz, PA
Burning Well, PA
Ninety-six, SC
North, SC
Bonesteel, SD
Box Elder, SD
Crooks, SD
Eaglebutte, SD
Gayville, SD
Mud Butte, SD
Pukwana, SD
Roscoe, SD
Tea, SD
Bangs, TX
Bushland, TX
Camelot, TX
Canadian, TX
Cut and Shoot, TX
Dozier, TX
Dripping Springs, TX
Earth, TX
Friendship, TX
Gun Barrel City, TX
Happy, TX
Lazbuddie, TX
Lolita, TX
Muleshoe, TX
Nacogdoches, TX
Needmore, TX
Notrees, TX
Old Glory, TX
Pep, TX
Progress, TX
Quail, TX
Skidmore, TX
Schertz, TX
Tiki Island, TX
Turkey, TX
Tuxedo, TX
Twitty, TX
Valentine, TX
Study Butte, TX
Telegraph, TX
Rankin, TX
Royalty, TX
Midkiff, TX
Best, TX
Veribest, TX
Sweetwater, TX
China Grove, TX
China Grove, TX (yes two of 'um)
Lawn, TX
Grow, TX
Cee Vee, TX
Zunkerville, TX
Bigfoot, TX
RingGold, TX
Petty, TX
Boston, TX
Old Boston, TX
New Boston, TX
Tigertown, TX
Ben Franklin, TX
Chocolate Bayou, TX
Needville, TX
Oatmeal, TX
Blanket, TX
Flat, TX
Moss Hill, TX
Honey Island, TX
Egypt, TX
Rosebud, TX
Disputanta, VA
Aloha, WA
Humptulips, WA
Index, WA
La Push, WA
Medical Lake, WA
Onion Creek, WA
Pysht, WA
Ritzville, WA
Ruff Starbuck, WA
Thrall, WA
Tiger, WA
Walla Walla, WA
Zillah, WA
Acme, WV
Alloy, WV
Boggs, WV
Canvas, WV
Forks-Of-Cacpon, WV
Friendly, WV
Frost, WV
Left Hand, WV
Mammoth, WV
Man, WV
Maud, WV
Muddlety, WV
Odd, WV
Pinch, WV
Shanghai, WV
Sod, WV
Tornado, WV
Section, AL
Shorter, AL
St. Elmo, AL
Candle, AK
Dead Horse, AK
Krik, AK
Mary's Igloo, AK
Nightmute, AK
North Pole, AK
Monkey's Eyebrow,AZ
Why, AZ
Bonanza, CO
Hasty, CO
Hygiene, CO
Joes, CO
Last Chance, CO
Lay, CO
Paradox, CO
Yellow Jacket, CO
Bear, DE
Blades, DE
Briny Breezes, FL
Cadillac, FL
Celebration, FL
Christmas, FL
Day, FL
Elfers, FL
Frostproof, FL
Havana, FL
Lorida, Florida
Mayo, FL
Picnic, FL
Sopchoppy, FL
Spuds, FL
Two Egg, FL
Wacahoota, FL
Yeehaw Junction, FL
Alley, GA
Enigma, GA
Experiment, GA
Hephzibah, GA
Homerville, GA
Ideal, GA
Quitman, GA
Energy, IL
Normal, IL
Bacon, IN
Birds Eye, IN
Buddha, IN
French Lick, IN
Santa Claus, IN
Solitude, IN
Beebeetown, IA
Elvira, IA
Iowa Falls, IA
Sac City, IA
Tingley, IA
What Cheer, IA
Buttermilk, KS
Gas, KS
Moonlight, KS
Petrolia, KS
Protection, KS
Skiddy, KS
Smileyberg, KS
Speed, KS
Yoder, KS
Zook, KS
Kentucky: (Positively takes the cake!)
Beauty, KY
Burning Springs, KY
Cadillac, KY
Cranks, KY
Combs, KY
Cut Shin, KY
Decoy, KY
Duckers, KY
Dukedom, KY
Dwarf, KY
Hazard, KY
Hippo, KY
Jetson, KY
Krypton, KY
Lovely, KY
Moon, KY
Mummie, KY
Mud Lick, KY
Oddville, KY
Ono, KY
Ordinary, KY
Oscar, KY
Parrot, KY
Petroleum, KY
Pippa Passes, KY
Pyramid, KY
Quicksand, KY
Ready, KY
Redhouse, KY
Relief, KY
Ringos Mills, KY
Select, KY
Shoulderblade, KY
Slusher, KY
Sligo, KY
Top Most, KY
Turkey, KY
Viper, KY
Vortex, KY
Wax, KY
Yeadiss, KY
Zoe, KY
Angie, LA
Archie, LA
Cutoff, LA
Dry Prong, LA
Eros, LA
Fort Necessity, LA
Plain Dealing, LA
Slaughter, LA
Trout, LA
Vixen, LA
Waterproof, LA
Mount Desert Island, ME
Strong, ME
Boring, MD
California, MD
Crappo, MD
Hale, Maryland
Point of Rocks, MD
Scaggsville, MD
Cummaquid, MA
Christmas, MI
Climax, MI
Gay, MI
Hell, MI
Lake, MI
Nirvanna, MI
Paradise, MI
Saline, MI
Askew, MS
Bobo, MS
Hot Coffee, MS
Petal, MS
Competition, MO
Elmo, MO
Fairdealing, MO
Gipsy, MO
Novelty, MO
Pumpkin Center,
MO Skidmore, MO
Success, MO
Magnet, NE
Pahrump, Nevada
New Jersey:
Piscataway, NJ
New Mexico:
Flying H, NM
Truth Or Consequences, NM
Weed, NM
New York:
Busti, NY
Flushing, NY
Horseheads, NY
North Carolina:
Cooleemee, NC
Kill Devil Hills, NC
North Dakota:
Arthur, ND
Beach, ND
Can do, ND
Mott, ND
Hoople, ND
Horace, ND
Max, ND
Ray, ND
Napolean, ND
Zap, ND
Gaysport, OH
Businessburg, OH
Bowlegs, OK
Kremlin, OK
Loco, OK
Happyland, OK
Boring, OR
Half.com, OR
Beaverdale, PA
Bird-in-Hand, PA
Blue Ball, PA
Intercourse, PA
Jugtown, PA
Manda Gap, PA
Scalp Level, PA
Squirrel Hill, PA
Stalker, PA
Stiltz, PA
Burning Well, PA
South Carolina:
Ninety-six, SC
North, SC
South Dakota:
Bonesteel, SD
Box Elder, SD
Crooks, SD
Eaglebutte, SD
Gayville, SD
Mud Butte, SD
Pukwana, SD
Roscoe, SD
Tea, SD
Bangs, TX
Bushland, TX
Camelot, TX
Canadian, TX
Cut and Shoot, TX
Dozier, TX
Dripping Springs, TX
Earth, TX
Friendship, TX
Gun Barrel City, TX
Happy, TX
Lazbuddie, TX
Lolita, TX
Muleshoe, TX
Nacogdoches, TX
Needmore, TX
Notrees, TX
Old Glory, TX
Pep, TX
Progress, TX
Quail, TX
Skidmore, TX
Schertz, TX
Tiki Island, TX
Turkey, TX
Tuxedo, TX
Twitty, TX
Valentine, TX
Study Butte, TX
Telegraph, TX
Rankin, TX
Royalty, TX
Midkiff, TX
Best, TX
Veribest, TX
Sweetwater, TX
China Grove, TX
China Grove, TX (yes two of 'um)
Lawn, TX
Grow, TX
Cee Vee, TX
Zunkerville, TX
Bigfoot, TX
RingGold, TX
Petty, TX
Boston, TX
Old Boston, TX
New Boston, TX
Tigertown, TX
Ben Franklin, TX
Chocolate Bayou, TX
Needville, TX
Oatmeal, TX
Blanket, TX
Flat, TX
Moss Hill, TX
Honey Island, TX
Egypt, TX
Rosebud, TX
Disputanta, VA
Aloha, WA
Humptulips, WA
Index, WA
La Push, WA
Medical Lake, WA
Onion Creek, WA
Pysht, WA
Ritzville, WA
Ruff Starbuck, WA
Thrall, WA
Tiger, WA
Walla Walla, WA
Zillah, WA
West Virginia:
Acme, WV
Alloy, WV
Boggs, WV
Canvas, WV
Forks-Of-Cacpon, WV
Friendly, WV
Frost, WV
Left Hand, WV
Mammoth, WV
Man, WV
Maud, WV
Muddlety, WV
Odd, WV
Pinch, WV
Shanghai, WV
Sod, WV
Tornado, WV
Bairoil, WY
Jackson Hole, WY
Monday, March 2, 2009
Yup, New Mexico is a part of the United States
The new cable graced our home today and I'm back to checking on the cyber world. Can you hear the Hallelujah choir or is it just me?
So for my first post back I'm totally linkin up! You may have seen this on TV but trust me, it's way better coming from my blog, or not. But whatever. This girl is from NM and so I have to give some love to my home state and the awesomeness that ensues there!
So for my first post back I'm totally linkin up! You may have seen this on TV but trust me, it's way better coming from my blog, or not. But whatever. This girl is from NM and so I have to give some love to my home state and the awesomeness that ensues there!
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