Monday, February 19, 2007

No news is good news


Except when you are trying to update a blog- then it makes for one boring post. Nothing memorable is going down this Presidents Day, unless you count Costco and the trip to Maggie Moos.

Talk about falling off the good eating wagon- today was definitely a HOLIDAY.


tharker said...

I feel ya! There's not much to update on my blog either. What happened to the musica?

PRP said...

So first we seeing you eating pizza and then you went to Maggie Moos???? C'mon Heather, skinny by summer, remember???

Just kidding. Today's a new day!

emahaf said...

You have to give yourself a break every once in awile or you go crazy. I love maggie moos good choice for falling off the wagon

Alicia said...

Yeah, in all my noble efforts to do better this week, the leftover extra cheese pan pizza from Pizza Hut from this weekend was screaming at me every time I opened the fridge. If I don't eat it, no one will and I cannot waste food!!! I'm too poor to let food go to waste.

dandee said...

I agree with Eden, whenever I deprive myself I end up binging. That is why I eat chocolate everyday. It helps keep the cravings away.

hatch said...

I always say if you are going to fall off the eating good wagon. You better make sure that the falling is fun. Sounds like you did that in grand style. You need that every once in a while.