Monday, January 22, 2007

Waiting to get thin

I got to the gym at a spry 4:55, a few minutes before they actually open. Usually an employee is already there and a few early birds are hitting the machines pretty hard. Today it was completely dark and there were a few cars with people waiting in the parking lot. Well, I too waited and waited and waited.

Finally at about 5:10 I got out of the car and called the posted number (you know the one to call in the unfortunate event that the gym isn't opened at 5) and they said they would get someone out there soon. I waited for about 5 mins, and figured I was only wasting my time. Who knows when someone would acutally get there to open the doors to Broadmoor Fitness.

So my last ditch effort to shed some pounds before my weigh in today was thwarted. But rather than be discouraged I came home and popped in a pilates tape I haven't seen for a few years. While it wasn't the treadmill/bike combo I have been trying to sport it was probably better than going back to bed.

The upside of this sob story is that I weighed in 5 lbs lighter than last week. I guess all those nights of being hungry might be paying off. Only 15 more weeks to go!! I think I can do it.


tharker said...

5lbs! That's awesome Heather! Too bad about the gym this morning. Better luck tomorrow.

Kristen said...

I am proud of you Heather. Not just for the 5 pounds, but for the early mornings. I just can't do that! Good luck tomarow (or maybe not)

JackieB said...

You are SO dedicated Heather. I could learn a thing or two from you. I've been sleeping in, its so dark and FREEZING or actually below freezing, so I just want to stay in bed. I need to get cracking! Congrats to everyone that lost weight this week. Keep trying all those that didn't (like me).

Heather said...

I'm not that dedicated, just desperate... to lose some weight and be able to participate in the TRI with my sisters and hopefully Jer too.

Sunshine Raye said...

Heather- You lost 5 lbs in 1 week?!?! That's SO awesome, I'm totally proud of you. I hope you made this a pp goal as well.... because your definately on your way to achieving it! You could be our key-note at YWIE in Novemebr :)

meohmyers said...

Wow Heather! 5 lbs. in one week is amazing! As they say in WW, "Hope to see less of you next week!" Keep up the great work!