Thursday, October 18, 2007

What Do You Think?

Have you heard of SB777?

I have been really mulling it over in my mind since I heard about it on Monday night. Mejojac blogged about her concerns on Tuesday and that made me think even more because: "OK. There are people out there who are actually going to have to deal with this, soon." I read the actual document where they change the law, and it made me so sad and shocked .

And then I was talking to Jessica about it this morning as we ran (she hadn't heard about it). And it made me realize that our not-so-conservative Washington State could be following in those Californian footsteps in the not too distant future.

I wonder if lawmakers have thought about the situation this put parents into. There is no way I would feel comfortable sending my child to a school where is this in force, which makes me glad that I have so many friends who are teachers (one of you will establish a charter school for the TC, right???).

Anyway, I'm not one of those moms who gets totally freaked out by a lot of things but this really made me stop and think. It makes me realize how important it is to take every opportunity to teach our children. Once a week church, and FHE are essential- but hopefully I'm teaching Kaden and Brynnlee all day everyday by my actions and the way I live my life.


Nicole said...

HOLY COW!!! I didn't read the whole law, just the post on that blog, but HOLY COW!!! That is scary stuff. Seriously, think about all the doors this would open - to all bad stuff. Seriously, anyone want to start a group home school??? Yikes!

goddessdivine said...

I guess I'm glad I left California. The left coast is definitely liberal, so I'd watch out. But it won't be long before the rest of the nation catches on.

Sick. Sick. Sick.

What was the Govenator thinking?

Sarah said...

Scary, scary, scary, scary. I wish there was a private LDS high school. This a sign of the times, I think things will just keep getting worse and worse and the sad thing is, is that we are basically letting the bad side win. I'm not in agreement with letting the minority rule the majority, yet that's how it is everywhere.

JustRandi said...

I agree with Sarah. Hard to imagine, but I think things are going to get a whole lot worse. Anyone want to go in with me to buy an island?

tharker said...

This to me is a perfect example of good being called evil and evil being called good. This is SICKENING! Seriously, to think that I wouldn't even be able to tell my children that homosexuality is wrong for fear that they might say it in public and be prosecuted for a freakin hate crime!!!! What is happening to our world? Well, I think you said it best Heather. We teach our kids through our actions, and we have hope and pray that they can make it through!

Kris said...

I'm worried for my kids. That's all I have to say!

Marilyn said...

Seriously outrageous. If this ever happens in our state, I WILL homeschool my children.

Melissa said...

First off... kristen - the Governator is what we Californians lovingly call our governor - Arnold Schwarzenegger... plays on the Terminator thing... ANYWAY... the charter school would be a good idea, but, in the law here, it states that any school that gets any state funding must comply with this law. So, that includes charter schools and even preschools. Nice eh? I'm glad you posted this. I think there are a lot of people that just want to say "ooh, that stinks for those in California" but how long before this will spread? And how long before our Federal government will come up with something similar... :P I emailed our Principal and the response I got back was "This will not change our cirruculur. Thank you for your email and your concern." Yep. That was it... not sure what we are going to do ...

lindsay>boo said...

I am just absolutely appalled! I can't believe it. It is sad that even charter schools and preschools must comply with the law. Unfortunately, Washington is a very liberal state so I, too, wonder how long it will be until this directly affects us. I think I would homeschool my children is this was enacted.

tharker said...

I think the name of this law should be changed to SB666 cuz it's straight from the devil himself!

Alicia said...

Wow. Signs of the times, people, signs of the times. I don't understand...wasn't Arnold the one who made the big deal about "marraige is between a man and a woman?" I thought he was very conservative on this subject. Guess the rest of the Hollywood liberals got to him.