Monday, October 9, 2006

Cheap or Chic, you decide.

If you haven't already seen the pics.... here are some updated ones. So, yeah, I'm a multitasker and got Brynnlee's 1 year, Kadens 3 year, Halloween and siblings pictures all in one! I even amaze myself somedays!


Jackie B. said...

OH MY GOODNESS! They are so adorable!!!

meohmyers said...

Those are soooo cute!! I'm very impressed! You are showing your true WonderMom qualities! I feel like I'm slacking in the canning and updated pictures of kids areas!!

tharker said...

Considering Jake has like 1 picture for each year of his existance, I'd say you're doing pretty great! They are so adorable!

PRP said...

Kaden and Brynnlee look adorable, and I can't even tell you how envious I am of your canning capabilities! You're a rock star.

Heather said...

Ok, now I'm totally embarrassed. Trust me the canning of grape jucie is more time consuming than hard. Come on over and I'll show you.