Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A little love please

OK. So today I emailed the administrator of "The Mommy Times" to complain that I was upset about not winning any of the prizes they advertise monthly. I really asserted myself, trying to take a lesson from Kim who always takes charge of the situation!

Does it really matter that the administrator of "The Mommy Times" is my former neighbor and good friend from college? No. I gave that girl a piece of my ever-lovin mind. Not really, but hey it was a fun way to shoot her an email, and give a not so subtle hint that I really want to win some of the awesome stuff they have advertised!

Well BJ sweetly emailed me back and let me know that the reason I'm not winning is that I don't have any referral points, and those have a HUGE bearing on your chances of winning. I know you have seen link on the side of my blog for the last few months....so how about swinging in and typing my email address in when you sign up to win! You'll do us both a huge favor!


tharker said...

I've checked out the Mommy Times and I think, maybe I possibly put you down as my refferal....j/k of course I did. It's a fun site, thanks for the link.

meohmyers said...

I'm glad that some of my forwardness is rubbing off in a good way! Hope you win!

Heather said...

Tiff thanks for being such a dedicated friend. I always knew I could count on you and your amazing hair.

tharker said...

Anything that my hair and I can do for you, just let me know!